Sunday, March 8, 2009

Busy Week

We had a really busy week here, so I didn't get a chance to take a lot of pictures. Sierra started swimming lessons this week, so now we do that twice a week, karate twice a week, and dance once a week. That didn't leave a lot of time for pictures!

These few that I did take are from Sierra's swimming lesson - she is pretty afraid of the water, so she did really well in my opinion.

Before class started:

I bought her a bunch of 2 piece swim suits at Old Navy so she could mix and match them, and they wouldn't wear out so fast. She looked pretty cute in them.

Starting class:

Her teacher is really cute and patient with all the kids.

Sierra, first time on the kickboard - away from where she can hold onto the wall (which is all she wants to do LOL). She is being very brave here!

That's all I have for now - I'll be back later with some other pictures of some stuff I've been working on this week.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Project 365 - Week 9

Well, this week was a little bit different for me - I didn't wind up taking pictures every day, and we had a couple of activities that I wanted more than one pic for, so here goes!

This week Sierra attended cheerleading camp at the high school. They practiced every day except Wed from 3:30 to 5, and then they performed on Friday night at halftime at the basketball game. She has done this for the past 3 years, and loves it every year - this year was no exception. The cheerleaders were so cute with the girls, giving them great treats/snacks every night after practice, and then at the game they brought them a treat for the game, and then gave them a cup afterwards with their name on it full of candy and decorated with cute cheerleading stuff.

Then on Saturday (yesterday) we headed down to Salt Lake to the Safe Kids Fair. We had never been, and it was free to get in this year, so we decided to see what it was like. When we got to the South Towne Center, we saw that they were also having a Diabetes Expo, so we went in there too - nothing too fantastic in there LOL. But the Safe Kids Fair was pretty fun - they had police, firemen, EMT's, and also lots of other stuff for the kids to do - We stopped by a reptile place - they were letting people hold tarantulas and scorpions these HUGE hissing cockroaches. Sierra was having NO part of it, but I decided to be brave and hold one of the tarantulas - I am completely TERRIFIED of spiders, so don't ask me how I did this, but this is me holding the spider - YUCK!!! Sorry the pic is blurry - I can't figure out how to work my camera LOL.

I also took some really cute pictures (or so I thought) of Sierra in a police car holding a badge, and in a firetruck, but I was using my good camera that I don't know how to work yet, and I screwed up a lot of pictures, so I can't use a lot of the pictures I took. This is about the only one that turned out decent - her on a police motorcycle.

Afterwards, we were planning on going to Taco Del Mar in SLC to eat - the one close to us has been closed for a couple months, and it is one of our FAVORITE places to eat (seriously, if you have one in your area, try it out - it is YUMMY!!!). Anyway, when we got there, it was closed down (darn it!). The only thing that made us feel better was the fact that the one close to us is reopening this Thursday - YAY!!!! Anyway, we decided to try this new place in Layton called "Noodles" - they had a booth at the Diabetes Expo, and Mike went to talk to them about their menu and found out that they serve rice noodles, so I could eat there. We decided to try it out since it was on the way home. It was VERY good, as you can tell by this picture of everyone eating LOL!

That's all I've got - until next time - bye!